Thursday, January 12, 2012

Take Control

Such a common mistake that women of all ages makes is letting her man become the deciding factor of the relationship, the one who cares less has more control of the relationship and that is unfortunately beyond true. Never change who are for a guy unless your changing to better yourself in the process. When it comes to relationships if he wants you he will find a way to get you but if he does not, no matter how many times you through yourself at him or you guys “hook up” it will not change his mind and even if he did you should never even want to be with someone that has to change their minds in order to be with you ! If he cant see your worth from the start then he does not deserve you, be beautiful and stay true to who you are(:

Monday, January 2, 2012

All or Nothing

Call me greedy but i want you all to myself, i want to know that your mine and im yours despite any others opinion, i want that Facebook official relationship, i want you and all the benefits that come with you, i want your body, mind, and soul...will you give me what i want ? Because i cant have less than what i want not half not even a slither, if i cant have your all i dont want you at all, if you cant give me your all then obviously i am not meant to have it. I realized im too good to not to have it all and i refuse to ever be that girl that settles for less than what she deserves.

20 Day Plan

In life we plan for the future, upcoming events, special dates, ect. Im planing for the start of my life, so many times in my life ive failed not because of a lack of intelligence or some brain deficiency that holds me back, like most the only thing i suffer from is procrastination, lack of motivation and laziness. I have 20days to find a motivation to break a habit that for the last time has hindered my life in more ways than necessary, this is only the beginning to something bigger and better in my life, a 20day plan to prepare for my life plan.